Block ads and trackers
UltraBlock automatically blocks all ads and trackers while you surf the web. You can also block services manually on a specific site or on every site. Take control of what is loaded!
Remove third-party cookies
Advertisers place cookies on your computer with the purpose to track you. UltraBlock removes third-party cookies from your computer after each visit.
Protect your privacy
UltraBlock makes it very hard for companies to track and profile you. UltraBlock removes the referrer headers, implements DNT, rotates user-agents and clears your browser cache.
Ad and tracker database
UltraBlock maintains a database with 1.723 hostnames from ads and trackers. We show what companies load ads and track you by listing them for each website you visit.
Hosting country
We capture the IP address of each tracker that is loaded by a website. This reveals the geolocation and tells you in what country your (personal) data is stored.
Speed up your browser
Commercial websites use tools to profile and track you to optimize conversions. UltraBlock automatically blocks everything making websites load over 55% faster.